If you haven’t seen the new Beauty and The Beast live action movie, well you should of seen yesterday..

It was perfection.

It was flawless.

It was everything and more.

The new live action Beauty and the Beast is worth all the hype and buzz it is getting, because it was sheer perfection. The writing is flawless, keeping some our favorite scenes and songs, but also elaborating more on our favorite characters back stories, and answering questions we have been curious about for years. Such as, what happened to Belle’s mother? How did the Prince get to be so cruel? We got the same songs, and new ones, that only touched our hearts in new ways. I don’t want to go into to much detail about it, because I don’t want to spoil it, but, I Just had to express how happy I was about it, because this is my favorite Disney movie, because Belle was always my hero growing up. I was considered odd and strange because I liked to read, and I am very close to my father, like Belle is, I would do anything for him. I was just so happy and satisfied with how they -remade this movie. I give it a 4.9 out of 5, because they simply felt like Emma’s voice needed to be auto-tuned a lot, when it didn’t. However, it still worked with the music. So, if you haven’t made plans to go see it, you need to make them now.





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